As I work on my next book I love the information I come across. I've recently read about several United States Divisions that trained for years, arrived in France and Belgium ready to take on the Germans, and were surprised and overwhelmed at the Battle of the Bulge before they'd had a chance to do anything. One such division was the 106th. Imagine working and training for years as a combat group, building your pride, your physical fitness, your combat wherewithal, and then being crushed at your first moment of combat by an unstoppable German attack at a place and time deemed impossible by the high command. Many of the men of the 106th were taken prisoner, and spent the last year of the war in POW camps, forgotten, disillusioned and living in disgrace. Such an interesting piece of the war that I'd never really thought about before.

Members of the 106th Division after surrendering on December 19, 2017 during the Battle of the Bulge